Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday 4

1. I am thankful for the option to dye my hair know...I need to. At least I have options.

2. I am thankful my main form of entertainment, sports, has had its basketball season extended each and every year by our uber-talented Kansas Jayhawks. We probably take for granted that we'll always watch through late March, but it butts up nicely against the baseball season when it does.

3. I am thankful we have enough breakfast choices that my Owen cries most mornings because he "can't decide". I hope I continue to teach him how lucky he is to have such "difficult" problems.

1 comment:

  1. How cute...and yes how blessed. Dying hair has become something I'm extremely grateful for as well...since I have so much gray. And multiple choices at breakfast, indeed!!
