Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Mumbles 1

Ten random things I need to mumble about this fine Monday morning. Go.

1. Sissy has been hiccuping since Friday. They've haven't been all day bouts, but she's had a couple to several bouts each day. I'm hoping it's just "a thing" and nothing persistent. I gave her a cup of cold water and they went away and never returned Sunday. Fingers crossed.

2. Hubs sucked me into watching a show on A&E called Duck Dynasty. Have you seen it? Oh my. I might be more disturbed that I actually LIKE it a little.

3. Last Thursday the school had Kindergarten round-up. The soon-to-be school kids didn't HAVE to be in attendance, this was the paperwork portion of the process, but I thought we needed to ease Owen into the idea of school. I was right. He wasn't a willing travel companion, and once in the lot of the school broke down in tears because he was scared to go in.

4. Sissy, on the other hand, chanted "Let's go to school!" the entire way there.

5. Turner asked to stay the night with his grandpa Saturday night. When I asked what he'd do without his siblings, he responded, "We'll watch sports and television. You know, I'm kind of getting into NASCAR." It was like a dagger to my heart.

6. I'm currently reading the Games of Thrones series upon recommendation of loving Pillars of the Earth. I am enjoying it well enough, but I still haven't totally accepted the sci-fi aspect.

7. I will never admit out loud to Hubs that we shouldn't have bought the off-white furniture when we moved in here (knowing we had Turner on the way), but we shouldn't have bought off-white furniture. He doesn't make a habit of reading my blog posts, ever, so I think I'm safe. Don't you think of squealing on me, either.

8. For those of you out of the loop, I still love my job. I have never, ever loved a job before, but I do now. It's exciting and different and challenging. Kind of like being a mom.

9. To have that kind of day from beginning to end makes putting up with the likes of Hubs much easier. Yeah, I said it. He's my most difficult obstacle each and every day, as I am CERTAIN I'm his.

10. Turner has been learning Latin in his STRETCH program, along with brain lobes and functions and Greek mythology. I'm fairly certain I covered those topics in school high school. My how times change.


  1. Hope the hiccups stay away. And that Owen gets into the idea of school. :) Pretty cool on the STRETCH program!

  2. Let's hope Gpa doesn't turn Tman into a NASCAR fan! Next time I see him I'll talk to him and set him straight. But you do live in MO haha!
