Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday Owenisms 1

Owen says a lot of things. Mostly inappropriate things. I've taken to calling them Owen-isms, hence Tuesday post titles. I'll only post a few at a time or else I'll run out. He's good, but not that good.

1. "Mom, don't say bad words. Else I might."
(This was enlightening information for the next Owenism.)

2. (Playing a "learning" board game where the players are asked to come up with words that start with certain letters.)

Mom: "Owen, what letter did you land on?"
Owen: "F."
Mom: "Can you think of a word that makes the Fffff sound at the beginning?"

Very Long Pause.

Owen: "I can only think of one word and I can't get it out of my mind. But I can't say it."

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