Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Mumbles 2

1.  Anyone else have people scolding you for not appreciating the snow? They drive me nuts, the newly born agricultural enthusiasts - "But we need the moisture! Think of the farmers." Well, thank you. I wasn't aware the snow had BENEFITS that should suddenly make me a lover of the powdery white. SHUT UP. I can detest the snow, the cold it brings, the mess that follows, and the treacherous driving conditions while still appreciating THE MOISTURE, thank you very much.

2.  I finally made it 4 miles Saturday and it wasn't terrible.

3.  I have two races coming up again this April. My girlfriends and I are doing the Oklahoma City Marathon relay again. I opted for a 6.2 mile leg instead of the 7.4 miles. You may say what's another mile point two. WELL, let me tell you.....

4.  Life or death. I promise. That's how I felt last year, anyhow, and I don't want to tempt fate again.

5.  The second race is the Brew to Brew held locally. It's a relay race as well, running over 45ish miles from the Boulevard Brewery in Kansas City to the Free State Brewery in Lawrence. This is a team building exercise of sorts for my work department.

6.  I am running out of food ideas for my kids. As in, they won't be eating if they put up another fight about what I'm dishing out.

7.  Did you know our family is represented in the Yo Gabba Gabba series? I am apparently Foofa. If you don't know these characters, go here.

8.  I say to Owen yesterday, "If you don't keep your mouth shut and stop talking...." and before I could finish my sentence, Evelyn did it for me. She said, "She'll whoop your butt!!"

9.  Funny's great they understand consequences, but when she said that same thing in relation to how Daddy would react to something I did....and said it in a fitting room....during a busy shopping Saturday....people might be wondering what types of antics we have going on here.

10.  The kids saw me making my blog picture headers and made one especially for me. I love them.


  1. Wow, good on those races, girl. I'll be getting back out there. Surely won't be as fast as you are, though.

    ahem. Brew to Brew -- team building for work -- hmmmmmmmmmmm LOL

    Love the header the kids made for you. That's awesome.

  2. You should like the snow - its one of nature's coolest and strangest creations. Plus who doesn't love a good snowball fight? I do!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck on your runs!!

    If the kiddos won't eat what you cook, they starve. That's what our parents did.

    Congrats on being a Yo Gabba Gabba member lol

    #8 had me cracking up!! love it :)
