Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday Mumbles 4

1. Another six inches or so of snow this weekend. Over. It.

2. As I settled in to watch basketball Sunday afternoon, Evelyn was literally crying because she wanted to go shopping. This was my biggest fear with having a daughter. By far.

3. The kids and I trekked up to Iowa with my mom to visit my little brother and his fiance. I took a two hour nap Saturday afternoon and it was the greatest thing ever. I don't recall the last time I indulged in a nap.

4. Owen and Evie shared a room for bedtime Saturday night and after I sang "Hush Little Baby" to Evelyn (I have to do it every night), Owen refused my invitation to sing it to him. He stated, "Hush Lil Baby" is a sad song. I don't like it." And as I studied the words.....I tend to agree with him.

5. Did I mention my Jayhawks won? And that we made it to the NCAA Sweet 16? Just checking.

6. Has anyone watched the Game of Thrones series? I'm on book #4 and am curious how it was portrayed.

7. My brother and fiance want Owen and Evelyn to be part of the wedding ceremony. I am fearful they will not cooperate. In fact, it's more than fear. It's dread.

8. I just realized that I'm 4.5 years away from the age of 40. Oh. My. Gosh. My life is nearly half over, theoretically.

9. On the other hand, Hubs is completely unaware of the reality that IS HIM at this age. He keeps talking about things he could physically as if....AS IF....they're still possible with a little effort. More like a Herculean effort. Or a Godly Miracle.

10. We've decided to put in laminate flooring in the kitchen and living room. Now we just have to come to a decision on what the heck we want. This will take serious compromising skills neither of us have probably achieved.


  1. hahahahahahahahaha Evie wanted to go shopping!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha :)


    I cannot wait to see pics of Owen and Evelyn in the wedding! :)

    pshaw! 40! LOL...I laugh at the age of 40!! hahaha

    okay, so, maybe I'm not really laughing.

  2. Thanks for coming to visit!! It was fun. Owen and Evie will do fine.......well I think Evie if she can walk with Owen or Turner. We'll see what happens.

    ....and Rock Chalk Jayhawk!!
