Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Mumbles 5

Better late than never. Sorry!

1.  I can't stand allergies. And not because they affect me but because they turn Hubs into a terrible, complaining monster who sniffles and sneezes to the point of utter distraction and annoyance.

2. Oh, did I mention we just had our wedding anniversary on Sunday, March 31st? Yea us!

3.  Did I also mention that our family is now slightly intrigued by the show Duck Dynasty? Yeah.

4.  Over the weekend, we took the kids to the KU campus. We ventured to the Spencer Art Museum, but the aroma in the building was too overwhelming for our sensitive little whelps. We quickly exited. It smelled like dead people.

5.  The second museum, the Natural History Museum, was MUCH better. The kids loved it and all the dead animals on display. One death was better than another, apparently.

6.  A few weeks ago I mentioned a team building race we were planning for. It's no longer happening and I realized I was actually looking forward to it.

7.  I'm getting anxious to go rent the Game of Thrones TV series. I'm in the middle of book 4, need to buy book 5, and then I get to watch!

8. Owen had a little fever Sunday and had a fairly miserable holiday, but Monday had him back to normal, and I was relieved. My little crazy boy was so sad when he didn't feel well but I have to admit I loved getting to hold him close.

9.  My brother put me onto a new game and I love it. Word On. It says "get your word on". It's like Scrabble without the board, which is good for me because I suck at the board.

10. Or maybe I just suck at Scrabble.


  1. Happy Anniversary! My girls have watched Duck Dynasty. I wouldn't say they are hooked on it, but maybe I don't know how often they watch it. hmmmm

  2. Glad you enjoy the new game :) It is waaaaaay more fun than "Words with friends".
