Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday 1

Cliche. I know. But it's time I made a few concessions and embraced cliche and trendy ideas even if they're overwhelmingly overused. Who knows, maybe one of you will show up in one of my Thursday alliteration posts?

For today, I'll catch you up on the little and big beasts that make me simultaneously thankful and exhausted every single day.
Sissy Evelyn





Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Get Write Wednesday 1

Well hello, friends. Long time no chat. I started blogging in 2008 fairly abruptly and I ceased blogging just as abruptly in 2012, so why not start again on a random Wednesday in February 2013?

I learned a few lessons from the Square Table:

1. My family enjoyed the blog and felt connected to our everyday life through my ramblings.

2. I enjoyed sharing our everyday comings and goings, as normal and boring as they may be.

3. I have no specific blogging style or interest. I avoid the traditions and tend to shy away from topics or writings that could come around to bite me in the rear. My blog will remain mundane and gentle. I'll save the more intimate and potentially private thoughts for exactly that-intimate and private conversations.

4. I love alliterations. I can't help myself. They're nearly as good as puns. Mumblings will shamelessly include alliteration posts for the week days. 

Without further ado, I introduce "Get Write Wednesday". There are days I need to write. Something. Anything. Maybe it's an innate need to type. I love typing, too. I'll use "GWW" to actually scribe something I feel like chatting about with you. It might be silly, might be serious. You just never know what you're going to get.

Today you're just getting the introduction. I don't want to inundate you with nine months worth of jumble you've missed out on if we aren't Facebook friends. Of course, if you're reading this we probably ARE Facebook friends. Of course, I don't put anything of substance on Facebook statuses either. No matter. We'll get caught up, I promise.

In the meantime, enjoy your Wednesday and please feel free to get write in your comment and leave me a lengthy diatribe about YOU today.

Missed you all.