Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday Mumbles 7

1. I am so happy that baseball season has started. I love coming home to a game nearly every night of the spring and summer.

2. I am not so fascinated with golf. Or NASCAR.

3. I've had a headache for over a week now. It started as just a pressure-like annoyance, but it's to the point where I'm willing to call Hub's "regular family doctor" and make an appointment.

4. I actually went 3 for 7 this week without a Coke. I generally allow myself one a day (and on rarer occasions I'll slip in two). This past week, I did NOT have one on Monday, Wednesday, or Sunday.

5. I do not believe this attributes to the headaches, in case you thought that. The aches started before I started weaning, and at times I've woken UP with an ache first thing in the morning.

6. Five mumbles started with I. Oops.

7. Hubs records a LOT of things on DVR. On Sunday, he pressed PLAY on an old flick called Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. I couldn't stop watching. Have you seen it? It's a 1967 film including Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, and Sidney Poitier where Poitier plays a doctor wanting to marry a white woman, and the parents of the engaged couple have dinner together and discuss the issue through several one on one conversations. Intriguing.

8. "You are 30 years older than I am. You and your whole lousy generation believes the way it was for you is the way it's GOT to be. And not until your whole generation has lain down and died will the dead weight of you be off our backs! Do you understand, you've got to get off my back."

9. Rarely do I find myself siding with a child when arguments arise between children and parents. That quote above was actually the tail end of a scene from the movie mentioned in #7. I just might expand on this thought during my Wednesday Write.

10. In the end, we just have to continue to evaluate our actions and our responses, and make adjustments along the road. That's whether you are a parent or a person. Self-evaluation is entirely voluntary, but entirely necessary.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen that movie. It's a good one.

    Good on the're better than I. I just decided never mind on trying to go completely diet-coke-free. :)
