Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Mumbles 13

1. I skipped a week. I'm sorry. In between then and now, I traveled to NYC for work, got the family put together for a themed wedding shower, prepped for and attended a second wedding shower, completed another week of work and managed to get Evelyn's birthday handled this past weekend as well as attend a Tea Party birthday for another little 3 year old beauty.

2. Okay, so technically my 3 year old beauty wasn't 3 this weekend, she is 3 today. At noon. So give her a silent "woo hoo" while you're munching on lunch.

3. At the Tea Party birthday, my gal pal even had her regular photographer come into her home and set up a mini studio and did a fancy dress up photo shoot. Guess which toddler guest refused to have her mug shot?

4. Have I mentioned here that every year at her annual "it's been another year so mom dragged me to JC Penney studios" photo shoot that she cries? As in sobs? She hates it and I don't know what to do about it.

5. Jim, consider this fair warning for your wedding. We are already starting to chat with her about getting her picture taken for you guys and that you only have ONE chance and she better not mess it up by crying. (Is it possible I can be the one shooting some of those pictures?? That might help.)

6. Wow, five mumbles about Evelyn. It's her birthday after all, but truly, she's a pretty cool chick. She even chatted with one of the other little tea party guests...all about how her daddy drinks beer and it can make you fat.

7. Yeah, that was her.

8. On a happy note, she received a Dora doll for her birthday! Grandma found a great Dora doll whose eyes open and close (when she lays back), talks and sings, and even has a brush for her hair. Evelyn's reaction? "Get her out of here!" Sorry Mom...talking toys freak her out a little bit. I thought you figured that out after the talking Elmo and Cookie Monster kitchen. (We'll work on her.)

9. After we road Thomas the Train Saturday, we went to Lawrence for pizza and presents, and then we hit up The Toy Store downtown so Evelyn could use her giftcard. She chose a baby stroller so she could push around the less "freaky" doll she received. We then proceeded to the nearest park so Dad could fly his new kite (that would be my dad, not Evelyn's dad). After that we marched back to downtown so we could view a red dress that Evelyn's Grandma and aunts found as a possible "wedding/flower girl" dress. It was adorable so I took her to the fitting rooms to be certain which we wanted. She promptly burst into tears and refused to put it on. Consider this another fair warning, Jim. Ice cream did work as bribery however, so we'll hold out hope.

10. One of the best parts of Sissy's day, I am certain, is that she had "her boys" with her all day long.


  1. I do love me some Evelyn. NYC, a tea party and Evelyn advising on the caloric effects of beer.

    But how I would have LOVED to see her with the Dora doll! How funny!!

    Happy birthday, little Evelyn!!

  2. Evie is so so so cute. And Happy Birthday!!! wow, 3!!!

  3. Aww happy belated 3rd birthday, Evie! Can't believe how fast the time is flying. She looks thrilled to finally ride that train.
