Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Mumbles 15

1. I'm late but it's still Monday! Long day at work, and should be a good long evening at home watching...of guessed it...The Bachelorette.

2. Don't judge. It's my guilty pleasure in the way of reality shows. I justify this show (compared to my usual practiced rant about reality shows) because they are all adults and for the most part I still believe that half to three fourths of the contestants are still signing up for the hope of love. Neurotic I know.

3. We have worked really hard to get Owen to stop being infatuated with private parts in time for him to start attending school where a majority of his classmates are acting inappropriately and touching his bum. *SIGH*

4. The more that Hubs and I talk to parents with teenagers, the more convinced our kids will be "those kids" in school with "totally uncool and unfair" parents who are holding out on giving out cell phones. The stories I hear are all due to inappropriate access that, no matter how many restrictions you provide, they're getting hold of information they don't need to have.

5. And when I say cell phones, I really mean cell phones, ipods, ipads, their own computer, and anything else that would be theirs to carry, tote, or use away from the surge protector in my living where the family PC sits.

6. How terrible is it that I'm banking on my kids' cuteness to keep them out of the COMPLETELY UNCOOL AND NERDY group? I mean, I don't mind if they cross into Nerdville a bit. Heck, I did. But sports and their cuteness will hopefully set them up for some sort of decent social scene.

7. Saturday morning, Evelyn and Owen got up at an unmentionable hour. Instead of waking me to get them breakfast, which they need immediately after waking, Owen chose to get out the cereal and pour both him and his sister a bowl of dry cereal so they could snack on it.

8. Did I mention last week that Sissy got a talking Dora doll for her birthday? And that she wouldn't touch it? Day 11 = success. She finally held the doll and giggled as she laid her back and forth, watching her eyes blink open and closed.

9. I'm happy the NBA is over. I'm happy that hockey is nearly over. Although I am a sports fan, these two just don't do it for me.

10. Any other The Paris Wife readers? Em, I know you and I have talked about it. Tracy, did you get it for your recent road trip? Next up for me is getting The Hunger Games series and book 5 of Game of Thrones series, which I've mentioned before and still angrily waiting for it to hit paperback. Damn it.


  1. I'm so glad you're going to read the Hunger Games trilogy! I loved it!!

    The absolute best thing about my daughter's ipod Touch? that it broke after she had it a year and we haven't replaced it. We are all much happier. Honestly, I'm just happy to see that my daughter is so much happier without that damn thing. And that SHE notices she is happier.

  2. Ha ha. I am totally going to be that parent too. I work with the youth group (girls) in my church and that alone has convinced me no phone, no iPod (except the music playing kind)...nothing! It's ridiculous what they can do with those things, good and bad!

    I need a new series, I'll have to check out the Game of Thrones. You'll like Hunger Games although the third book is a bit disappointing.

    Feeling out of the loop on Bachelorette this season. I have yoga Mondays and decided that's more exciting...and I keep forgetting to go watch online...oh well. Can't wait for Revenge to come back and Once Upon a Time!

  3. Me! Me! I love The Paris Wife! I just gave my copy to a friend yesterday and am now on the hunt for a good read myself.
