Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Mumbles 14

1. Lately my boys have been on a weenie kick. And I don't mean eating hot dogs. They always eat hot dogs. Lately, they are always cracking jokes about their personal, private weenies. And it's just plain annoying.

2. I am secretly so excited that Turner loves almost any sport. We can sit and watch and talk sports all year long. He may not even really like or want to play the sport but we get excited watching them when they get exciting.

3. Now we just need to work on Owen. He fluctuates between wanting to be LIKE Turner and be completely opposite him. We just tell him to be good and have fun. It's the "be good" part he struggles with daily.

4. I realized this weekend, however, he looks at me after he does something "bad" and I know he knows that I know he's not trying to be evil, he's just trying to get away with things. This, of course, equals the fact that I love him so much and while he gets on my last damn nerve he still cracks me up on the inside.

5. If anyone else reading this knows that Robin Thicke has a new song out, I love you. It rocks. I dance in my car seat every time.

6. I just finished The Paris Wife and I sat on the kitchen floor as I completed it Friday night, crying. I was mad. I wanted to live with them a bit longer. I wanted to both read Ernest Hemingway and burn a book of his at the same time. I love when books make me FEEL something. Think something.

7. Duck Dynasty has a lot of good, wholesome lessons. It really does. It doesn't mean I enjoy The Bass Pro Shop anymore than I did last year.

8. Turner is currently annoying me flipping something around the living room. And then he just said, "Woah! I can flip these FAR! Grandpa taught me. He's awesome!" He's forgiven.

9. The Royals are one game under .500. For those of you who don't know what that means, move on to mumble #10.

10. I love you anyhow. Despite. Good day and good week!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Royals! Yay for good books. I need to get into something again. I plowed through The Hunger Games trilogy in just over a week and was wishing they could have made it a 6 or 7 book set, the books were so good. to find something else....
