Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Mumbles 11

1. Evelyn insists that she wants to go to bed and wake up a grown up. Of course, she also stated very loudly, "I WANT TO BE A BOY!!!!" the other day when her brothers were entertaining two neighbor boys.

2. We received mail confirmation this weekend that Owen and Turner will definitely be attending summer school during June. I can't WAIT to see how Owen does - he desperately needs to see what a full day in the classroom feels like.

3. I started these Sunday night and then the storms started rolling in. I decided to shut down the PC for the duration and never fired it back up.

4. Speaking of the storms, there were pretty strong thunderstorms and tornado activity. The kids were very in tune with the news and slightly apprehensive. Owen even found his lantern and had Hubs replace the batteries so he was prepared.

5. My boss made an observation about me and I had to reflect on it. He said, "Jess can't handle incompetence. As long as you don't bring that to the table, you're fine."

6. When I listened to that again in my head, I had to agree. That is the single most bothersome attribute to me, when working with others. I don't expect them to know everything or have all the answers whenever I ask, but I do expect them to be competent in their tasks, their follow ups, and-generally speaking-in their efforts at work.

7. My siblings and I are very fortunate in that we have 3 of our 4 grandparents still with us. One of my cousin's spouse just lost her father this past weekend and I cannot imagine what she's going through right now. With having grandparents still attending every family function, I don't even pretend to be prepared to handle losing an elder, let alone a parent.

8. Owen and Turner are arguing about who loves me more. If this is the fight I have to break up, given mumble #7, I'll take it.

9. Mom came up to the city Saturday and watched Turner's basketball games and then took the kids home for us. Hubs and I preceded to go out to dinner with a friend of his, and his wife. I hadn't met them (Officially. They were at our wedding but we didn't spend time getting to know one another.) and so we went out and had a nice adult dinner. It.was.lovely.

10. Last week we had Owen's frenectomy done. He was a serious champion in the dentist chair, from the oral numbing gel to the actual shot of numbing medicine to the knife scraping of his tongue-tied flesh. I was so proud of him.


  1. Great job, Owen!

    Yay for adult dinners. Craig and I make sure to do it regularly anymore. Speaking and hubs and me and my hubs....we really need to plan it.

  2. Nice mumbles. Very well rounded and some always entertaining posts about the kiddos :)
    I'm a bit concerned about my niece who wants to be a boy lol
    but you hit the head on the nail with #7 - we are very lucky!!
