Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday Mumbles 28

1. I know it's been awhile. I think I just wanted your thoughts to ruminate in Owen's badness so that I could regale you in his goodness.

2. So, yeah................

3. Truthfully, he is so thoughtless and thoughtful all rolled into one bundle of all boy joy. I don't get it, but maybe in time I will.

4. We just celebrated Christmas gift exchanges at my Dad's, my Mom's, and my mother's family this past weekend. With Jim and Rachel moving FURTHER away, we allowed our holiday schedule to coordinate with what they could do. They kids were great, all in all, and I'm feeling less worn down by it than in past years.

5. I am staring at a living room full of new toy joys, however, and trying to figure out where they'll end up. It's nice that I have tomorrow and Tuesday off before we celebrate our Christmas here at home.

6. Oh, did I mention we threw in a wedding that Hubs was in as well? He was busy doing rehearsal things Friday afternoon and I met him for some rehearsal dinner and socializing that evening. Saturday he was busy doing wedding things and the kids and I joined him for wedding socializing that evening for a bit.

7. Snow. It came this weekend as well, while we were holed up in Lawrence, an hour from home. We stayed down there Friday and Saturday night, and the snow came Saturday while we were prepping for and then AT the wedding. Snow. Ugh.

8. I was reminded in a Christmas card about what my dear friend said once about snow. It's just little pieces of love. Indeed. If that's what love was, I'd be throwing it out and at someone else too. Gross.

9. Finally, I will begin the Hunger Games series. I know, I know. I received book one for Christmas though, so away we will go. Once I finish book five of the Game of Thrones. Ha!

10. Have I ever told you that Turner calls me Mama? Still? I love it. I hope he never stops.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Hunger Games!!! I read all three books in 9 days....they are quick reads. (Of course, that means I was irresponsible and stayed up until 2:30 a.m. on work nights...but yeah...)

    Snow is gross. and this cold! yuck!!!
