Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Mumbles 26

1. I worked from home on Friday and guess what? I am not a fan. There are too many other chores staring me in the face, too many trashy TV shows at my fingertips, and snacks far too handy.

2. Traveling to New York for work  can be energizing. I'm traveling to across the river to New Jersey for work today, and I have a feeling I'll be gazing over at Manhattan with longing and envy.

3. And on that note...I have to cut out of here. Sorry for the short mumbles. I plan on doing a Halloween recap this week, with photos.


  1. Wow. Short, indeed. :) And...I go back and forth on working from home. Sometimes I like it -- when there are appointments that can't be moved and it's easier to just do it at home (as long as all the kids are at school/ daycare anyway). But other times I don't like it. I am home sick today...but I've done about as much work as I would have at home, logging in to check on things, etc. I think I'm off for the remainder of the day, though....

  2. Happy the Mumbles are back!! Sorry I forgot to comment on the others.
