Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday Mumbles 27

1. I really cannot believe a week went by already. It felt like just yesterday when I wrote you those three, heartfelt mumbles.

2. Although I love Owen's curls, I'm happy he likes having his hair cut low. We have to keep it low so it's better he likes it. You ask WHY we have to keep it low? Because he's created a habit for himself where he twirls his curls around a finger, and he does this most all the time. When he eats, watches TV, stands, sits, gets sleepy. Just picture a boy on some high school sports "stage", twirling his hair before catching some ball. Yeesh.

3. Did I mention I have the day off? Whispering that to Evelyn last night was my only way to escape the house and get to Costco alone. When she heard I was going, she burst into tears knowing she couldn't go with me since she was already bathed and in pajamas. Now she's probably thinking we're going shopping today.

4. So I mentioned I was having a Patrick Swayze need going unfulfilled. Guess what was on TV Saturday night!? Yup. Dirty Dancing.

5. It made me happy to hear Turner say he liked to rake the leaves. And follow it up with how he dislikes jumping into the pile. He's just like his mama. How in the world can you bring yourself to do all that work, make such a big neat pile of leaves, and then screw it up by jumping in it?

6. We finally "saw" our first KU basketball game of the season. Hubs and I went to a bar, leaving the kids at dad's, so we were able to watch but had a lot of distractions with Hubs' group of playmates. I paid semi-attention while the chicks talked too much and I was also working on a client issue during more than half of the game.

7. The chicks were cool, though. Fun and relaxing even if they were a decade younger than me.

8. I really cannot stand watching the Chiefs win. They didn't even play this weekend (bye week) and they were able to annoy me.

9. I'm still reading book 5 of the Game of Thrones, and progressing, but picked up a smaller paperback for my most recent work trip. I'm already halfway through it, and highly recommend it. The Book Thief. It's into a movie now, or will be soon, but the book is phenomenal thus far.

10. Evelyn likes to brush my hair. I love to have my hair brushed. Therefore I love her. That might not be exactly correct per my geometry rules, but it's how it works in this house.


2. To the Veteran's, thank you.

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