Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Mumbles 23

1. I was organizing my photos yesterday and came across some March items that epitomized my children's personalities. At least as they are today.
Easy going
Anything but....
 2. I quit Facebook. At least for the time being. Over the weekend, I was tempted to click the app on my phone, but it hasn't been terrible. I don't think I'll miss it much.

3. I am directing my home energy (which has been depleted lately) toward the kids in an educational function. I've been able to come home and just "be" mom but I feel like we're faltering at times, with certain things, and I need to be more structured.

4. Number three will mean I will need to be even more aware of taking "me" time when I'm not with the kids so as not to be lethargic when I am. I don't do a lot of "me" time, but I will need to use lunch hours and some weekend hours for just that. I don't think it's fair that I keep saying "my commute is my me-time".

5. I love summer but I will NOT miss the bug bites from this season. They have eaten our family alive.

6. Evelyn wanted to wear blue boy shorts and a Raiders football jersey to Turner's ball game yesterday. She sobbed when I made her at least change her shirt to a yellow Dora shirt. I'm all for tomboy, but I can't have her looking like I'm TRYING to force her that direction.

7. I will miss these days when tricking the children with my "super mom" powers is so easy. They can't figure out how I can see things without having actually stared at it or made it obvious to them I saw it. Owen especially thinks he's so sly.

8. Saturday night my mom had the kids and Hubs was away with friends watching football and boxing. I had the house to myself for a few hours, along with a bottle of wine, sports, and Sandra Bullock movies on TV. I was in heaven.

9. There is a boy on Turner's basketball team who has chosen to wear hot pink shoes. Owen wants to know why. Part of me wants to say, "It's okay to like whatever you want" and another part of me is just happy Owen is confused by his choice. Sounds antiquated of me, I know.

10. Before the kids went to mom's Saturday, we spent two hours walking around KU campus. My calves are appropriately sore. I miss those hills something terrible, some days.


  1. Why is there a picture of a llama at the bottom of your blog?

    Yes, commute time is not me-time. I spend all that time figuring out how to surviv whatever is coming next, not truly recharging.

    You gotta do what ya gotta do. I am sure your family is dong fantastic, but you have your own standards to uphold, I understand. :)

  2. Poor Evie just wants to be like her brothers for a day and she isn't allowed to do it :(
    Great pics!! They definitely show each kid's personality lol

  3. So glad to have found you my blogger friend! Your kids are getting so big!
