Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Mumbles 32

1. Since before I was a parent, I said I wanted our home to be "the home" where kids gathered. This desire serves several selfish purposes, primarily feeding my need to control. In a subtle way, not in a crazy neurotic way. Promise. Now that Turner is of the age to entertain, I am gently pushing to fulfill this "want".

2. Let me quickly explain my neuroses. I like to have my children around me. I like to watch them interact and I can gauge their development. I hope the more they allow me to be "around" during their socializing, they realize I am here more to oversee and guide than I am to hinder and overbear. My goal is that this realization will lead to more openness and trust.

3. One thing I've gained by attempting to fulfill this "want", and is a surprising benefit, is insight into only children and their ability or inability to interact with siblings. Some crave the chance to be a big brother and jump into playtime with Owen and Evelyn. Others get flustered and frustrated with the constant nuisance and need a few visits to get comfortable. Ultimately though, kids adapt to one another quite quickly and easily. If only adults could retain these traits.

4. Owen's reading is coming along. I can tell the effort to sound things out is coming easier to him. He still visits the safe seat at school occasionally.

5. Evelyn appears to be more willing to do her lessons with Hubs during the day. Getting this last child over the hump of learning letters and numbers is painful but necessary. PAINFUL BUT NECESSARY.

6. Turner continues to be 98% self-directed, and 2% limit tester. I need that 2% to remind me he requires lessons about behavior, about life.

7. I think I'm overdue for a Thankful Thursday. This week might be a tribute to Owen's art. Check in Thursday.

8. Cold weather sucks.

9. I know I've discussed my literary progress on Mumbles before, and admitted my lack of Hunger Games reading. I have book one waiting patiently for me on my shelf finally. However, I am here to announce I've finally made it more than halfway through Game of Thrones, book 5. I wouldn't say 2/3, but definitely more than 1/2. :)

10. Sunny days make me feel more productive. We better get more of them, and soon.

1 comment:

  1. It is very interesting to watch the kids interact. I am one of those parents who want them here, but I don't necessarily sit with them...Sarah's at an age where they want to "escape" to the basement (foosball table!!) or go outside where they can't be "bothered" with anyone else...but I would imagine that will pass soon.

    Hunger Games. Hunger Games. Hunger Games. :P LOL
