Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Mumbles 33

1. Winter.Will.Not.Go.Away.

2. I know, I know. It's only the middle of February. I don't care. I hate it. I want to throw rocks at it. I want to kick it in the shins.

3. It ruined my gal pal dinner last night. I did NOT get to eat chips and salsa and laugh over inane things with my girlfriends from high school all because it had to snow. Again. On top of the foot we haven't ridded ourselves of yet from last Tuesday.

4. I worked from home Tuesday and Wednesday last week. We had a very, very shoddy mouse attached to the computer on Tuesday. We've known it was bad. Terrible, really. Wednesday morning when I confirmed I was working from home, Hubs agreed to go out and get me a new mouse. Heaven. It's amazing how much easier a computer can be when you have a functional pointy clicky device.

5. Did I mention how hard it is to work from home when a husband and three children are underfoot?

6. My car's check engine light came on Saturday, and we promptly took it to the shop. I love my Hondas, but this Pilot is starting to get on my nerves. And when the silly technicians ask "Did you get your 100,000 mile tune-up?" I get angry. I say NO. I also follow it up with "...and I never did on my 225,000 mile Accord so THERE." Stupid recommendations.

7. How would he like it if I recommend he stop eating those french fries and sign up for the boot camp I (occasionally) attend? I mean seriously. It's a Honda. Make it run, make it last, and I'll stay out of your hair.

8. I stared at my strappy sandals for a minute yesterday. Because I desperately want sunshine and 75 degrees.

9. And then I immediately decided that if the car repairs aren't actually as terrible as what I've imagined they'll be all weekend, I will just go buy myself some new shoes to spite the winter.

10. Oh, and the kids had zero school except for Monday last week. Imagine the fun that Hubs had. Ha!

1 comment:

  1. ha! snow days all week?!? they'll be in school through mid-June! Then you'll have the last laugh...or not. Sorry about your gal-pal cancellation. That stinks.
